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Interview with Captain Connor Pearce

After our Veteran’s Day event today, we were lucky to host Captain Connor Pearce for an interview. Captain Pearce’s story is one of a winding road and personal persistence. He was born in Columbia, South Carolina and is a native of Nashville, TN. He graduated from the University of Tennessee – Chattanooga and was commissioned through ROTC as a Second Lieutenant in the United States’ Army Chemical Corps in 2016. He has served as a Dismounted Reconnaissance Platoon Leader in the 101st Airborne Division. He served as the Deputy Regimental CBRN Officer with the 75th Ranger Regiment. He deployed to Afghanistan as the Chief of Operations for a Joint Special Operations Task Force. He has worked in Nuclear Planning and attended the USMC Expeditionary Warfare School in Quantico, VA. He served on Task Force COVID. We are so happy to be able to preserve his story, and we know he will continue to serve his country with pride and find great success. Keep an eye out on our YouTube page for the interview, coming soon!