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Local School Outreach

Sequoyah High School Veteran’s Day Biographies:

We are working with SQHS Dual Enrollment U.S. History and Contemporary Issues classes to create biographies for their Veteran’s Day event. Students are each researching a veteran with some affiliation to the school and creating biographies on their lives. The students are handling primary sources, but have done additional secondary research to support their understanding of their veterans. Most students are conducting interviews with living veterans from more modern conflicts, but several students are researching veterans who have passed on (Sequoyah included!). The final biographies will be edited by our team at the Center, as well as certain interns who have volunteered to “mentor” select students. Once edited and finalized, the biographies will be shortened and added to the Center’s website. The full biographies will be used for SQHS’s Veteran’s Day event, in which they will create a walk-through display of all the biographies, as well as pictures and other artifacts from veterans. SQHS hopes to continue this project and relationship with the Center in the years to come. The school also have aspirations of creating a section on the SQHS website dedicated to Veteran Alumni and featuring the biographies written by students. 

Loudon Elementary School Letter Writing Campaign:

We have been collecting information on veterans to receive a letter from LES students for Veteran’s Day. The Fourth and Fifth grade classes at LES will be writing the letters in the next few weeks so that we can have them sent in time to arrive close to Veteran’s Day. Our goals are to reach over 100 Veterans and to send a letter to a Veteran from each of the 50 states!